A module for handling the geometric structure of the system.
- label_length¶
integer scalar parameter
initial value = 2
the number of characters available for denoting chemical symbols
- atom¶
Defines an atomic particle.
Contained data:
- neighbor_list: type(neighbor_list) scalar
- the list of neighbors for the atom
- index: integer scalar
- index of the atom
- n_pots: integer scalar
- number of potentials that may affect the atom
- max_potential_radius: double precision scalar
- the maximum cutoff of any potential listed in potential_indices
- tags: integer scalar
- integer tag
- potential_indices: integer pointer size(:)
- the indices of the potentials for which this atom is a valid target at first position (see potential_affects_atom())
- potentials_listed: logical scalar
- logical tag for checking if the potentials affecting the atom have been listed in potential_indices
- bond_indices: integer pointer size(:)
- the indices of the bond order factors for which this atom is a valid target at first position (see bond_order_factor_affects_atom())
- element: character(len=label_length) scalar
- the chemical symbol of the atom
- charge: double precision scalar
- charge of the atom
- subcell_indices: integer size(3)
- indices of the subcell containing the atom, used for fast neighbor searching (see subcell)
- max_bond_radius: double precision scalar
- the maximum cutoff of any bond order factor listed in bond_indices
- n_bonds: integer scalar
- number of bond order factors that may affect the atom
- bond_order_factors_listed: logical scalar
- logical tag for checking if the bond order factors affecting the atom have been listed in bond_indices
- position: double precision size(3)
- coordinates of the atom
- mass: double precision scalar
- mass of th atom
- momentum: double precision size(3)
- momentum of the atom
- neighbor_list¶
Defines a list of neighbors for a single atom. The list contains the indices of the neighboring atoms as well as the periodic boundary condition (PBC) offsets.
The offsets are integer triplets showing how many times must the supercell vectors be added to the position of the neighbor to find the neighboring image in a periodic system. For example, let the supercell be:
[[1.0, 0, 0], [0, 1.0, 0], [0, 0, 1.0]],i.e., a unit cube, with periodic boundaries. Now, if we have particles with coordinates:
a = [1.5, 0.5, 0.5] b = [0.4, 1.6, 3.3]the closest separation vector \(\mathbf{r}_b-\mathbf{r}_a\) between the particles is:
[-.1, .1, -.2]obtained if we add the vector of periodicity:
[1.0, -1.0, -3.0]to the coordinates of particle b. The offset vector (for particle b, when listing neighbors of a) is then:
[1, -1, -3]Note that if the system is small, one atom can in principle appear several times in the neighbor list with different offsets.
Contained data:
- neighbors: integer pointer size(:)
- indices of the neighboring atoms
- max_length: integer scalar
- The allocated length of the neighbor lists. To avoid deallocating and reallocating memory, extra space is reserved for the neighbors in case the number of neighbors increases during simulation (due to atoms moving).
- pbc_offsets: integer pointer size(:, :)
- offsets for periodic boundaries for each neighbor
- n_neighbors: integer scalar
- the number of neighbors in the lists
- subcell¶
Subvolume, which is a part of the supercell containing the simulation.
The subcells are used in partitioning of the simulation space in subvolumes. This divisioning of the simulation cell is needed for quickly finding the neighbors of atoms (see also pysic.FastNeighborList). The fast neighbor search is based on dividing the system, locating the subcell in which each atom is located, and then searching for neighbors for each atom by only checking the adjacent subcells. For small subvolumes (short cutoffs) this method is much faster than a brute force algorithm that checks all atom pairs. It also scales \(\mathcal{O}(n)\).
Contained data:
- neighbors: integer size(3, -1:1, -1:1, -1:1)
- indices of the 3 x 3 x 3 neighboring subcells (note that the neighboring subcell 0,0,0 is the cell itself)
- vector_lengths: double precision size(3)
- lengths of the vectors spanning the subcell
- offsets: integer size(3, -1:1, -1:1, -1:1)
- integer offsets of the neighboring subcells - if a neighboring subcell is beyond a periodic border, the offset records the fact
- max_atoms: integer scalar
- the maximum number of atoms the cell can contain in the currently allocated memory space
- vectors: double precision size(3, 3)
- the vectors spanning the subcell
- atoms: integer pointer size(:)
- indices of the atoms in this subcell
- n_atoms: integer scalar
- the number of atoms contained by the subcell
- indices: integer size(3)
- integer coordinates of the subcell in the subcell divisioning of the supercell
- include: logical size(-1:1, -1:1, -1:1)
- A logical array noting if the neighboring subcells should be included in the neighbor search. Usually all neighbors are included, but in a non-periodic system, there is only a limited number of cells and once the system border is reached, this tag will be set to .false. to notify that there is no neighbor to be found.
- supercell¶
Supercell containing the simulation.
The supercell is spanned by three vectors \(\mathbf{v}_1,\mathbf{v}_2,\mathbf{v}_3\) stored as a \(3 \times 3\) matrix in format
\[\begin{split}\mathbf{M} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} v_{1,x} & v_{1,y} & v_{1,z} \\ v_{2,x} & v_{2,y} & v_{2,z} \\ v_{3,x} & v_{3,y} & v_{3,z} \end{array} \right].\end{split}\]Also the inverse cell matrix is kept for transformations between the absolute and fractional coordinates.
Contained data:
- vector_lengths: double precision size(3)
- the lengths of the cell spanning vectors (stored to avoid calculating the vector norms over and over)
- max_subcell_atom_count: integer scalar
- the maximum number of atoms any of the subcells has
- n_splits: integer size(3)
- the number of subcells there are in the subdivisioning of the cell, in the directions of the spanning vectors
- inverse_cell: double precision size(3, 3)
- the inverse of the cell matrix \(\mathbf{M}^{-1}\)
- subcells: type(subcell) pointer size(:, :, :)
- an array of subcell subvolumes which partition the supercell
- vectors: double precision size(3, 3)
- vectors spanning the supercell containing the system as a matrix \(\mathbf{M}\)
- volume: double precision scalar
- volume of the cell
- periodic: logical size(3)
- logical switch determining if periodic boundary conditions are applied in the directions of the three cell spanning vectors
- reciprocal_cell: double precision size(3, 3)
- the reciprocal cell as a matrix, \(\mathbf{M}_R = 2 \pi( \mathbf{M}^{-1} )^T\). That is, if \(\mathbf{b}_i\) are the reciprocal lattice vectors and \(\mathbf{a}_j\) the real space lattice vectors, then \(\mathbf{b}_i \mathbf{a}_j = 2 \pi \delta_{ij}\).
- absolute_coordinates(relative, cell, position)¶
Transforms from fractional to absolute coordinates.
Absolute coordinates are the coordinates in the normal \(xyz\) base,
\[\mathbf{r} = x\mathbf{i} + y\mathbf{j} + z\mathbf{k}.\]Fractional coordiantes are the coordiantes in the base spanned by the vectors defining the supercell, \(\mathbf{v}_1\), \(\mathbf{v}_2\), \(\mathbf{v}_3\),
\[\mathbf{r} = \tilde{x}\mathbf{v}_1 + \tilde{y}\mathbf{v}_2 + \tilde{z}\mathbf{v}_3.\]Notably, for positions inside the supercell, the fractional coordinates fall between 0 and 1.
Transformation between the two bases is given by the cell matrix
\[\begin{split}\left[ \begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \end{array} \right] = \mathbf{M} \left[ \begin{array}{c} \tilde{x} \\ \tilde{y} \\ \tilde{z} \end{array} \right]\end{split}\]Parameters:
- relative: double precision intent(in) size(3)
- the fractional coordinates
- cell: type(supercell) intent(in) scalar
- the supercell
- position: double precision intent(out) size(3)
- the absolute coordinates
- assign_bond_order_factor_indices(n_bonds, atom_in, indices)¶
Save the indices of bond order factors affecting an atom.
In bond order factor evaluation, it is important to loop over bond parameters quickly. As the evaluation of factors goes over atoms, atom pairs etc., it is useful to first filter the parameters by the first atom participating in the factor. Therefore, the atoms can be given a list of bond order parameters for which they are a suitable target as a ‘first participant’ (in a triplet A-B-C, A is the first participant).
- n_bonds: integer intent(in) scalar
- number of bond order factors
- atom_in: type(atom) intent(inout) scalar
- the atom for which the bond order factors are assigned
- indices: integer intent(in) size(n_bonds)
- the indices of the bond order factors
- assign_max_bond_order_factor_cutoff(atom_in, max_cut)¶
atom_in: type(atom) intent(inout) scalar
max_cut: double precision intent(in) scalar
- assign_max_potential_cutoff(atom_in, max_cut)¶
atom_in: type(atom) intent(inout) scalar
max_cut: double precision intent(in) scalar
- assign_neighbor_list(n_nbs, nbor_list, neighbors, offsets)¶
Creates a neighbor list for one atom.
The neighbor list will contain an array of the indices of the neighboring atoms as well as periodicity offsets, as explained in neighbor_list
The routine takes the neighbor_list object to be created as an argument. If the list is empty, it is initialized. If the list already contains information, the list is emptied and refilled. If the previous list has room to contain the new list (as in, it has enough allocated memory), no memory reallocation is done (since it will be slow if done repeatedly). Only if the new list is too long to fit in the reserved memory, the pointers are deallocated and reallocated.
- n_nbs: integer intent(in) scalar
- number of neighbors
- nbor_list: type(neighbor_list) intent(inout) scalar
- The list of neighbors to be created.
- neighbors: integer intent(in) size(n_nbs)
- array containing the indices of the neighboring atoms
- offsets: integer intent(in) size(3, n_nbs)
- periodicity offsets
- assign_potential_indices(n_pots, atom_in, indices)¶
Save the indices of potentials affecting an atom.
In force and energy evaluation, it is important to loop over potentials quickly. As the evaluation of energies goes over atoms, atom pairs etc., it is useful to first filter the potentials by the first atom participating in the interaction. Therefore, the atoms can be given a list of potentials for which they are a suitable target as a ‘first participant’ (in a triplet A-B-C, A is the first participant).
- n_pots: integer intent(in) scalar
- number of potentials
- atom_in: type(atom) intent(inout) scalar
- the atom for which the potentials are assigned
- indices: integer intent(in) size(n_pots)
- the indices of the potentials
- divide_cell(cell, splits)¶
Split the cell in subcells according to the given number of divisions.
The argument ‘splits’ should be a list of three integers determining how many times the cell is split. For instance, if splits = [3,3,5], the cell is divided in 3*3*5 = 45 subcells: 3 cells along the first two cell vectors and 5 along the third.
The Cell itself is not changed, but an array ‘subcells’ is created, containing the subcells which are Cell instances themselves. These cells will contain additional data arrays ‘neighbors’ and ‘offsets’. These are 3-dimensional arrays with each dimension running from -1 to 1. The neighbors array contains references to the neighboring subcell Cell instances. The offsets contain coordinate offsets with respect to the periodic boundaries. In other words, if a subcell is at the border of the original Cell, it will have neighbors at the other side of the cell due to periodic boundary conditions. But from the point of view of the subcell, the neighboring cell is not on the other side of the master cell, but a periodic image of that cell. Therefore, any coordinates in the the subcell to which the neighbors array refers to must in fact be shifted by a vector of the master cell. The offsets list contains the multipliers for the cell vectors to make these shifts.
Example in 2D for simplicity: split = [3,4] creates subcells:
(0,3) (1,3) (2,3) (0,2) (1,2) (2,2) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (0,0) (1,0) (2,0)
- subcell (0,3) will have the neighbors::
- (2,0) (0,0) (1,0) (2,3) (0,3) (1,3) (2,2) (0,2) (1,2)
- and offsets::
- [-1,1] [0,1] [0,1] [-1,0] [0,0] [0,0] [-1,0] [0,0] [0,0]
Note that the central ‘neighbor’ is the cell itself.
If a boundary is not periodic, extra subcells with indices 0 and split+1 are created to pad the simulation cell. These will contain the atoms that are outside the simulation cell.
cell: type(supercell) intent(inout) scalar
splits: integer intent(in) size(3)
- expand_subcell_atom_capacity(atoms_list, old_size, new_size)¶
atoms_list: integer intent() pointer size(:)
old_size: integer intent(in) scalar
new_size: integer intent(in) scalar
- find_subcell_for_atom(cell, at)¶
cell: type(supercell) intent(inout) scalar
at: type(atom) intent(inout) scalar
- generate_atoms(n_atoms, masses, charges, positions, momenta, tags, elements, atoms)¶
Creates atoms to construct the system to be simulated.
- n_atoms: integer intent(in) scalar
- number of atoms
- masses: double precision intent(in) size(n_atoms)
- array of masses for the atoms
- charges: double precision intent(in) size(n_atoms)
- array of charges for the atoms
- positions: double precision intent(in) size(3, n_atoms)
- array of coordinates for the atoms
- momenta: double precision intent(in) size(3, n_atoms)
- array of momenta for the atoms
- tags: integer intent(in) size(n_atoms)
- array of integer tags for the atoms
- elements: character(len=label_length) intent(in) size(n_atoms)
- array of chemical symbols for the atoms
- atoms: type(atom) intent() pointer size(:)
- array of the atom objects created
- generate_supercell(vectors, inverse, periodicity, cell)¶
Creates the supercell containing the simulation geometry.
The supercell is spanned by three vectors \(\mathbf{v}_1,\mathbf{v}_2,\mathbf{v}_3\) stored as a \(3 \times 3\) matrix in format
\[\begin{split}\mathbf{M} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} v_{1,x} & v_{1,y} & v_{1,z} \\ v_{2,x} & v_{2,y} & v_{2,z} \\ v_{3,x} & v_{3,y} & v_{3,z} \end{array} \right].\end{split}\]Also the inverse cell matrix \(\mathbf{M}^{-1}\) must be given for transformations between the absolute and fractional coordinates. However, it is not checked that the given matrix and inverse truly fulfill \(\mathbf{M}^{-1}\mathbf{M} = \mathbf{I}\) - it is the responsibility of the caller to give the true inverse.
Also the periodicity of the system in the directions of the cell vectors need to be given.
- vectors: double precision intent(in) size(3, 3)
- the cell spanning matrix \(\mathbf{M}\)
- inverse: double precision intent(in) size(3, 3)
- the inverse cell \(\mathbf{M}\)
- periodicity: logical intent(in) size(3)
- logical switch, true if the boundaries are periodic
- cell: type(supercell) intent(out) scalar
- the created cell object
- get_optimal_splitting(cell, max_cut, splits)¶
cell: type(supercell) intent(in) scalar
max_cut: double precision intent(in) scalar
splits: integer intent(out) size(3)
- relative_coordinates(position, cell, relative)¶
Transforms from absolute to fractional coordinates.
Absolute coordinates are the coordinates in the normal \(xyz\) base,
\[\mathbf{r} = x\mathbf{i} + y\mathbf{j} + z\mathbf{k}.\]Fractional coordiantes are the coordiantes in the base spanned by the vectors defining the supercell, \(\mathbf{v}_1\), \(\mathbf{v}_2\), \(\mathbf{v}_3\),
\[\mathbf{r} = \tilde{x}\mathbf{v}_1 + \tilde{y}\mathbf{v}_2 + \tilde{z}\mathbf{v}_3.\]Notably, for positions inside the supercell, the fractional coordinates fall between 0 and 1.
Transformation between the two bases is given by the inverse cell matrix
\[\begin{split}\left[ \begin{array}{c} \tilde{x} \\ \tilde{y} \\ \tilde{z} \end{array} \right] = \mathbf{M}^{-1} \left[ \begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \end{array} \right]\end{split}\]Parameters:
- position: double precision intent(in) size(3)
- the absolute coordinates
- cell: type(supercell) intent(in) scalar
- the supercell
- relative: double precision intent(out) size(3)
- the fractional coordinates
- separation_vector(r1, r2, offset, cell, separation)¶
Calculates the minimum separation vector between two atoms, \(\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_1\), including possible periodicity.
- r1: double precision intent(in) size(3)
- coordiantes of atom 1, \(\mathbf{r}_1\)
- r2: double precision intent(in) size(3)
- coordinates of atom 1, \(\mathbf{r}_2\)
- offset: integer intent(in) size(3)
- periodicity offset (see neighbor_list)
- cell: type(supercell) intent(in) scalar
- supercell spanning the system
- separation: double precision intent(out) size(3)
- the calculated separation vector, \(\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_1\)
- update_atomic_charges(n_atoms, charges, atoms)¶
Updates the charges of the given atoms. Other properties are not altered.
- n_atoms: integer intent(in) scalar
- number of atoms
- charges: double precision intent(in) size(n_atoms)
- new charges for the atoms
- atoms: type(atom) intent() pointer size(:)
- the atoms to be edited
- update_atomic_positions(n_atoms, positions, momenta, atoms)¶
Updates the positions and momenta of the given atoms. Other properties are not altered.
This is meant to be used during dynamic simulations or geometry optimization where the atoms are only moved around, not changed in other ways.
- n_atoms: integer intent(in) scalar
- number of atoms
- positions: double precision intent(in) size(3, n_atoms)
- new coordinates for the atoms
- momenta: double precision intent(in) size(3, n_atoms)
- new momenta for the atoms
- atoms: type(atom) intent() pointer size(:)
- the atoms to be edited
- wrapped_coordinates(position, cell, wrapped, offset)¶
Wraps a general coordinate inside the supercell if the system is periodic.
In a periodic system, every particle has periodic images at intervals defined by the cell vectors \(\mathbf{v}_1,\mathbf{v}_2,\mathbf{v}_3\). That is, for a particle at \(\mathbf{r}\), there are periodic images at
\[\mathbf{R} = \mathbf{r} + a_1 \mathbf{v}_1 + a_2 \mathbf{v}_2 + a_3 \mathbf{v}_3\]for all \(a_1, a_2, a_3 \in \mathbf{Z}\). These are equivalent positions in the sense that if a particle is situated at any of one of them, the set of images is the same. Exactly one of the images is inside the cell - this routine gives the coordinates of that particular image.
If the system is periodic in only some directions, the wrapping is done only along those directions.
- position: double precision intent(in) size(3)
- the absolute coordinates
- cell: type(supercell) intent(in) scalar
- the supercell
- wrapped: double precision intent(out) size(3)
- the wrapped absolute coordinates
- offset: integer intent(out) size(3) optional
- wrapping offset, i.e., the number of times the cell vectors are added to the absolute coordinates in order to obtain the wrapped coordinates
- pick(index1, index2, offset)¶
A utility function for sorting the atoms.
The function return true if index1 < index2 and false otherwise. If index1 == index2, the comparison is made through the separation vector. The vector is examined element at a time, and if a positive number is found, true is returned, if a negative one, false. For values of zero, the next element is examined.
The purpose for this function is to sort the atoms to prevent double counting when summing over pairs. In principle, a sum over pairs \((i,j)\) can be done with \(\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i \ne j}\), but this leads to evaluation of all elements twice (both \((i,j)\) and \((j,i)\) are considered separately). It is more efficient to evaluate \(\sum_{i < j}\), where only one of \((i,j)\) and \((j,i)\) fullfill the condition.
A special case arises if interactions are so long ranged that an atom can see its own periodic images. Then, one will need to sum terms for atom pairs where both atoms have the same index \(\sum_\mathrm{images} \sum_{i,j}\) if they are in different periodic copies of the actual simulation cell. In order to still pick only one of the pairs \((i,i')\) and \((i',i)\), we compare the offset vectors. If atom \(i'\) is in the neighboring cell of \(i\) in the first cell vector direction, it has an offset of \([1,0,0]\) and vice versa \(i\) has an offset of \([-1,0,0]\) from \(i'\). Instead of the index, the sorting \(i' < i\) is then done by comparing these offset vectors, element by element.
- index1: integer intent(in) scalar
- index of first atom
- index2: integer intent(in) scalar
- index of second atom
- offset: integer intent(in) size(3)
- pbc offset vector from atom1 to atom2