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quaternions (Quaternions.f90)

A module for basic quarternion operations and 3D spatial rotations using quaternion representation Quaternions are a 4-component analogue to complex numbers

\[\mathbf{q} = w + x \mathbf{i} + y \mathbf{j} + z \mathbf{k} = [w,x,y,z]\]

where the three imaginary components obey \(\mathbf{ijk} = \mathbf{i}^2 = \mathbf{j}^2 = \mathbf{k}^2 = -1\). This leads to a structure similar to that of complex numbers, except that the quaternion product defined according to the above rules is non-commutative \(\mathbf{q}_1\mathbf{q}_2 \ne \mathbf{q}_2\mathbf{q}_1\).

It turns out that unit quaternions \(||\mathbf{q}|| = \sqrt{w^2+x^2+y^2+z^2} = 1\) represent the space of 3D rotations so that the rotation by angle \(\alpha\) around unit axis \(\mathbf{u} = [x,y,z]\) is represented by the quaternion

\[\mathbf{q} = [\cos \frac{\alpha}{2}, x \sin \frac{\alpha}{2}, y \sin \frac{\alpha}{2}, z \sin \frac{\alpha}{2}]\]

and joining rotations is represented as a a quaternion product (rotating first by \(\mathbf{q}_1\), then by \(\mathbf{q}_2\) yields the combined rotation of \(\mathbf{q}_{12} = \mathbf{q}_2 \mathbf{q}_1\)).

List of global variables in quaternions

List of custom types in quaternions

List of subroutines in quaternions

Full documentation of global variables in quaternions


double precision scalar parameter

initial value = 1.0d-8

the threshold value for the norm for treating vectors as zero vectors

Full documentation of custom types in quaternions


The quarternion type. It only contains four real components, but the main advantage for defining it as a custom type is the possibility to write routines and operators for quaternion algebra.

Contained data:

y: double precision scalar
an “imaginary” component of the quaternion
x: double precision scalar
an “imaginary” component of the quaternion
z: double precision scalar
an “imaginary” component of the quaternion
w: double precision scalar
the “real” component of the quaternion

Full documentation of subroutines in quaternions


norms the given quaternion


qq: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
quaternion to be normed to unity

Full documentation of functions in quaternions

cross(v, u)

Normal cross product of vectors \(\mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{u}\) (Note: for 3-vectors only!)


v: double precision intent() size(3)
u: double precision intent() size(3)
dot(v, u)

Normal dot product of vectors \(\mathbf{v}\cdot\mathbf{u}\) (Note: for 3-vectors only!)


v: double precision intent() size(3)
u: double precision intent() size(3)

Returns the angle of rotation described by the UNIT quarternion \(\mathbf{q}\). Note that the unity of \(\mathbf{q}\) is not checked (as it would be time consuming to calculate the norm all the time if we know the quaternions used have unit length).


q: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion representation of rotation

Returns the axis of rotation described by the UNIT quarternion \(\mathbf{q}\). Note that the unity of \(\mathbf{q}\) is not checked (as it would be time consuming to calculate the norm all the time if we know the quaternions used have unit length).


q: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion representation of rotation

Returns the rotation matrix described by the UNIT quarternion \(\mathbf{q}\). Note that the unity of \(\mathbf{q}\) is not checked (as it would be time consuming to calculate the norm all the time if we know the quaternions used have unit length).


q: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion representation of rotation

Returns the quarternion conjugate of \(\mathbf{q}\): \(\mathbf{q}^* = w+x\mathbf{i}+y\mathbf{j}+z\mathbf{k} \to w-x\mathbf{i}-y\mathbf{j}-z\mathbf{k}\)


q: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion
qdiv(q, r)

Returns the quarternion \(\mathbf{q}\) divided by scalar \(r\) component-wise


q: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion
r: double precision intent() scalar
a real scalar

Returns the quarternion inverse of \(\mathbf{q}\): \(\mathbf{q}^*/||\mathbf{q}||\)


q: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion
qminus(q, r)

Returns the quarternion \(\mathbf{q}\) subtracted by scalar \(r\) component-wise


q: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion
r: double precision intent() scalar
a real scalar

Returns the quarternion norm of \(\mathbf{q}\): \(||\mathbf{q}|| = \sqrt{w^2+x^2+y^2+z^2}\)


q: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion
qplus(q, r)

Returns the quarternion \(\mathbf{q}\) added by scalar \(r\) component-wise


q: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion
r: double precision intent() scalar
a real scalar
qprod(q1, q2)

Returns the quarternion product \(\mathbf{q}_1\mathbf{q}_2\) Note that the product is non-commutative: \(\mathbf{q}_1\mathbf{q}_2 \ne \mathbf{q}_2\mathbf{q}_1\)


q1: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion
q2: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion
qtimes(r, q)

Returns the quarternion \(\mathbf{q}\) multiplied by scalar \(r\) component-wise


r: double precision intent() scalar
a real scalar
q: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion
qtimesB(q, r)

Returns the quarternion \(\mathbf{q}\) multiplied by scalar \(r\) component-wise


q: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion
r: double precision intent() scalar
a real scalar
rot2q(a, u)

Returns the quarternion representing a rotation around axis \(\mathbf{u}\) by angle \(\alpha\)


a: double precision intent() scalar
angle in radians
u: double precision intent() size(3)
3D vector, defining an axis of rotation
rotate_a(vec, da)

Returns the vector rotated according to the vector \(\mathbf{d}\). The axis of rotation is given by the direction of \(\mathbf{d}\) and the angle by \(||\mathbf{d}||\).


vec: double precision intent() size(3)
vector to be rotated
da: double precision intent() size(3)
rotation vector (e.g., angular velocity x time \(\mathbf{\omega} t\))
rotate_au(vec, a, u)

Returns the vector rotated according to the axis \(\mathbf{u}\) and angle \(\alpha\).


vec: double precision intent() size(3)
vector to be rotated
a: double precision intent() scalar
angle of rotation
u: double precision intent() size(3)
axis of rotation
rotate_q(vec, q)

Returns the 3D vector rotated according to the UNIT quarternion \(\mathbf{q}\). Note that the unity of \(\mathbf{q}\) is not checked (as it would be time consuming to calculate the norm all the time if we know the quaternions used have unit length).


vec: double precision intent() size(3)
vector to be rotated
q: TYPE(qtrn) intent() scalar
a quaternion representation of rotation

Returns the quarternion representing a rotation around axis \(\mathbf{v}\) by angle \(||\mathbf{v}||\). If \(\mathbf{v} = 0\), the quaternion \(\mathbf{q} = [1 0 0 0]\) will be returned.


v: double precision intent() size(3)
3D vector, defining both the angle and axis of rotation

Norm of a vector, \(||\mathbf{v}||\)


v: double precision intent() size(3)