Version history
This is a list of the main updates in the different versions of Pysic.
Descriptions of all incremental changes can be found in the commit log
(see also the develop version).
The version number is available in Pysic as the variable:
Version 0.6
- Added support for dividing the system to subsystems and allowing the use of different calculators on the subsystems. This allows hybrid QM/MM calculations. See HybridCalculator, SubSystem, Interaction.
Version 0.4.6
- Code optimization: updates in the memory allocation and computation routines in the Fortran core for better performance.
- Added a warning system (pysic.utility.error.Warning)
- Added support for pairwise bond order factors (in addition to per-atom factors), see Atomic and pairwise factors.
- Numerous bug fixes, see the github commit log for details.
Version 0.4.3
- Major restructuring of the Python source code
- Provided a Makefile for compiling
- Added calculation of the stress tensor with the method pysic.calculator.Pysic.get_stress()
- Added the Tabulated potential
- Added the Tabulated scaling function
- Added the Tabulated bond order factor
- Bug fix: Fixed an issue with core initialization where changing the size of the supercell would lead to a conflict in neighbor list updating (the list update was tried before the cell update but failed due to the cell having been changed).
- Bug fix: Fixed an issue with the parallel neighbor list building algorithm which did not properly broadcast the calculated lists to all cpus.
Version 0.4
- Implemented the Ewald summation of \(\frac{1}{r}\) potentials (see pysic.interactions.coulomb.CoulombSummation)
- The framework allows for the addition of other summation methods later on, but for now only standard Ewald is available
Version 0.1
- First publicly available version
- Python interface
- Framework for handling pair- and three-body potentials
- ASE compatibility