Source code for pysic.subsystem

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Defines classes used for creating and storing information about subsystems
in a Pysic QM/MM hybrid calculation created with the HybridCalculator-class.
import numpy as np
from pysic.utility.error import warn, error
from pysic.utility.bader_charges import get_bader_charges
from pysic.utility.timer import Timer
from ase import Atom, Atoms
from ase.visualize import view
from import write
import copy

[docs]class SubSystem(object): """Used to create and store information about a subsystem. The end user can create and manipulate these objects when defining subsystems. The subsystems are added to the calculation by calling :meth:`~pysic.hybridcalculator.HybridCalculator.add_subsystem` which adds a SubSystem-object to the calculation. When the HybridCalculator sees fit, the subsystems are materialized by converting the stored SubSystems into SubSystemInternals. Attributes: name: string The unique name for this subsystem. calculator: ASE Calculator The calculator used. cell_size_optimization_enabled: bool cell_padding: float The padding used when optimizing the cell size. charge_calculation_enabled: bool charge_source: string Indicates the electron density that is used in charge calculation. Can be "pseudo" or "all-electron". division: string Indicates the division algorithm used in charge caluclation. Can be "Bader" or "van Der Waals". gridrefinement: int The factor by which the calculation grid is densified in charge calculation. indices: list of ints tag: int """ def __init__(self, name, indices=None, tag=None, calculator=None ): """ Parameters: name: string A unique identifier for this substring. indices: list of integers or string A list of atom indices or a special string "remaining", which assigns all the yet unassigned atoms to this subsystem. tag: int The atoms with this tag belong to this subsystem. calculator: ASE compatible calculator The calculator that is used for this subsystem. """ = name self.calculator = calculator self.cell_size_optimization_enabled = False self.cell_padding = None self.charge_calculation_enabled = False self.charge_source = None self.division = None self.gridrefinement = None self.set_atoms(indices, tag)
[docs] def is_valid(self, indices, tag): """Checks that the given atom specifiers are correctly given. Does not yet check that they exist or don't overlap with other subssystems. """ # Determine how the atoms are specified: indices, tag or special set if isinstance(indices, str): if indices != "remaining": error("Use \"remaining\" if you want to assign the yet unassigned atoms to a subsystem") elif (indices is None) and (tag is None): error("Provide system as indices or tag",)
[docs] def set_calculator(self, calculator): """Set the calculator for the subsystem. Parameters: calculator: ASE compatible calculator """ self.calculator = copy.copy(calculator)
[docs] def set_atoms(self, indices=None, tag=None): """Set the atoms that belong to this subsystem. Give only one of the specifiers: indices or tag. Parameters: indices: list of integers or string A list of atom indices or a special string "remaining", which assigns all the yet unassigned atoms to this subsystem. tag: int The atoms with this tag belong to this subsystem. """ self.is_valid(indices, tag) if indices is not None and type(indices) is int: self.indices = (indices,) else: self.indices = indices self.tag = tag
[docs] def enable_cell_optimization(self, padding): """Enable cell size optimization. A subsystem might spatially reside in only a small portion of the entire system. DFT calculators will then waste time doing calculations in empty space, where almost none of electron density reaches. This optimization minimizes the cell size, so that the atoms in the subsystem fit the cell with the given padding. If the padding is too small, the DFT-calculator might not work properly! The optimization is off by default. It cannot be turned on in systems with periodic boundary conditions. The new optimized cell is always ortorhombic, regardless of the shape of the original, unoptimized cell. Parameters: padding: float The minimum distance between the subsystem atoms and the cell walls. """ self.cell_size_optimization_enabled = True self.cell_padding = padding
[docs] def enable_charge_calculation(self, division="Bader", source="all-electron", gridrefinement=4): """Enable the dynamic calculation of atom-centered charges with the specified algorithm and from the specified electron density. These charges are only used for the interaction between other subsystems. Parameters: division: string Indicates the division algorithm that is used. Available options are: "Bader": Bader algorithm "van Der Waals": Spheres with van Der Waals radius source: string Indicates what type of electron density is used. Available options are: "pseudo": Use the pseudo electron density provided by all ASE DFT calculators "all-electron": Use the all-electron density provided by at least GPAW gridrefinement: int Indicates the subdivision that is used for the all-electron density. Can be other than unity only for Bader algorithm with all-electron density. """ divisions = ["Bader", "van Der Waals"] charge_sources = ["pseudo", "all-electron"] if division not in divisions: error("Invalid division algorithm: " + division) if source not in charge_sources: error("Invalid source for electron density: " + source) if gridrefinement != 1: if (division != "Bader") or (division == "Bader" and source != "all-electron"): warn("The gridrefinement is available only for the Bader algorithm with all-electron density, it is ignored.", 3) self.charge_calculation_enabled = True self.division = division self.charge_source = source self.gridrefinement = gridrefinement #===============================================================================
[docs]class SubSystemInternal(object): """A materialization of a SubSystem object. This class is materialised from a SubSystem, and should not be accessible to the end user. Attributes: name: string The unique name for this subsystem. calculator: ASE Calculator The calculator used. cell_size_optimization_enabled: bool cell_padding: float charge_calculation_enabled: bool charge_source: string division: string gridrefinement: int n_atoms: int Number of atoms in the full system. atoms_for_interaction: ASE Atoms The copy of subsystems atoms used in interaction calculations. atoms_for_subsystem: ASE Atoms The copy of subsystems atoms used in calculating subsystem energies etc. index_map: dictionary of int to int The keys are the atom indices in the full system, values are indices in the subssystem. reverse_index_map: dicitonary of int to int The keys are the atom indices in the subsystem, values are the keys in the full system. potential_energy: float forces: numpy array density_grid: numpy array Stored if spherical division is used in charge calculation. pseudo_density: numpy array link_atom_indices: list timer: :class:'~pysic.utility.timer.Timer' Used to keep track of time usage. """ def __init__(self, atoms, info, index_map, reverse_index_map, n_atoms): """ Parameters: atoms: ASE Atoms The subsystem atoms. info: SubSystem object Contains all the information about the subsystem index_map: dictionary of int to int The keys are the atom indices in the full system, values are indices in the subssystem. reverse_index_map: dicitonary of int to int The keys are the atom indices in the subsystem, values are the keys in the full system. n_atoms: int Number of atoms in the full system. """ # Extract data from info = self.calculator = copy.copy(info.calculator) self.cell_size_optimization_enabled = info.cell_size_optimization_enabled self.cell_padding = info.cell_padding self.charge_calculation_enabled = info.charge_calculation_enabled self.charge_source = info.charge_source self.division = info.division self.gridrefinement = info.gridrefinement self.n_atoms = n_atoms self.atoms_for_interaction = atoms.copy() self.atoms_for_subsystem = atoms.copy() self.index_map = index_map self.reverse_index_map = reverse_index_map self.potential_energy = None self.forces = None self.density_grid = None self.pseudo_density = None self.link_atom_indices = [] self.timer = Timer([ "Bader charge calculation", "van Der Waals charge calculation", "Energy", "Forces", "Density grid update", "Cell minimization"]) # The older ASE versions do not support get_initial_charges() try: charges = np.array(atoms.get_initial_charges()) except: charges = np.array(atoms.get_charges()) self.initial_charges = charges ## Can't enable charge calculation on non-DFT calculator self.dft_system = hasattr(self.calculator, "get_pseudo_density") if self.charge_calculation_enabled is True and not self.dft_system: error("Can't enable charge calculation on non-DFT calculator!") # If the cell size minimization flag has been enabled, then try to reduce the # cell size if self.cell_size_optimization_enabled: pbc = atoms.get_pbc() if pbc[0] or pbc[1] or pbc[2]: warn(("Cannot optimize cell size when periodic boundary" "condition have been enabled, disabling optimization."), 2) self.cell_size_optimization_enabled = False else: self.optimize_cell()
[docs] def optimize_cell(self): """Tries to optimize the cell of the subsystem so only the atoms in this subsystem fit in it with the defined padding to the edges. The new cell is always ortorhombic. """ self.timer.start("Cell minimization") padding = self.cell_padding x_min, y_min, z_min = self.atoms_for_subsystem[0].position x_max, y_max, z_max = self.atoms_for_subsystem[0].position for atom in self.atoms_for_subsystem: r = atom.position x = r[0] y = r[1] z = r[2] if x > x_max: x_max = x if y > y_max: y_max = y if z > z_max: z_max = z if x < x_min: x_min = x if y < y_min: y_min = y if z < z_min: z_min = z optimized_cell = np.array([2*padding + x_max - x_min, 2*padding + y_max - y_min, 2*padding + z_max - z_min]) self.atoms_for_subsystem.set_cell(optimized_cell) self.timer.stop()
[docs] def update_density_grid(self): """Precalculates a grid of 3D points for the charge calculation with van Der Waals radius. """ self.timer.start("Density grid update") calc = self.calculator atoms = self.atoms_for_subsystem # One calculation has to be made before the grid points can be asked grid_dim = calc.get_number_of_grid_points() nx = grid_dim[0] ny = grid_dim[1] nz = grid_dim[2] cell = atoms.get_cell() cx = cell[0] cy = cell[1] cz = cell[2] cux = cx / float((grid_dim[0] - 1)) cuy = cy / float((grid_dim[1] - 1)) cuz = cz / float((grid_dim[2] - 1)) # Create a 3D array of 3D points. Each point is a xyz-coordinate to a # position where the density has been calculated. density_grid = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, 3)) for x in range(grid_dim[0]): for y in range(grid_dim[1]): for z in range(grid_dim[2]): r = x * cux + y * cuy + z * cuz density_grid[x, y, z, :] = r self.density_grid = density_grid self.timer.stop()
[docs] def update_charges(self): """Updates the charges in the system. Depending on the value of self.division, calls either :meth:`~pysic.subsystem.SubSystemInternal.update_charges_bader`, or :meth:`~pysic.subsystem.SubSystemInternal.update_charges_van_der_waals` """ if self.charge_calculation_enabled: if self.division == "van Der Waals": self.update_charges_van_der_waals() if self.division == "Bader": self.update_charges_bader()
[docs] def update_charges_bader(self): """Updates the charges in the atoms used for interaction with the Bader algorithm. This function uses an external Bader charge calculator from This tool is provided also in pysic/tools. Before using this function the bader executable directory has to be added to PATH. """ self.timer.start("Bader charge calculation") # The charges are calculated from the system that includes the link atoms bader_charges = get_bader_charges( self.atoms_for_subsystem, self.calculator, self.charge_source, self.gridrefinement) # Set the calculated charges to the interaction atoms. The call for # charges was changed between ASE 3.6 and 3.7. Ignore the link atoms # from the list of Bader charges n_limit = len(self.atoms_for_interaction) try: self.atoms_for_interaction.set_initial_charges(bader_charges[0:n_limit]) except: self.atoms_for_interaction.set_charges(bader_charges[0:n_limit]) self.timer.stop()
[docs] def update_charges_van_der_waals(self): """Updates the atomic charges by using the electron density within a sphere of van Der Waals radius. The charge for each atom in the system is integrated from the electron density inside the van Der Waals radius of the atom in hand. The link atoms will affect the distribution of the electron density. """ self.timer.start("van Der Waals charge calculation") # Turn debugging on or off here debugging = False atoms_with_links = self.atoms_for_subsystem calc = self.calculator # The electron density is calculated from the system with link atoms. # This way the link atoms can modify the charge distribution calc.set_atoms(atoms_with_links) if self.charge_source == "pseudo": try: density = np.array(calc.get_pseudo_density()) except AttributeError: error("The DFT calculator on subsystem \"" + + "\" doesn't provide pseudo density.") if self.charge_source == "all-electron": try: density = np.array(calc.get_all_electron_density(gridrefinement=1)) except AttributeError: error("The DFT calculator on subsystem \"" + + "\" doesn't provide all electron density.") # Write the charge density as .cube file for VMD if debugging: write('nacl.cube', atoms_with_links, data=density) grid = self.density_grid if debugging: debug_list = [] # The link atoms are at the end of the list n_atoms = len(atoms_with_links) projected_charges = np.zeros((1, n_atoms)) for i_atom, atom in enumerate(atoms_with_links): r_atom = atom.position z = atom.number # Get the van Der Waals radius R =[z] # Create a 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 array that can be used for vectorized # operations with the density grid r_atom_array = np.tile(r_atom, (grid.shape[0], grid.shape[1], grid.shape[2], 1)) diff = grid - r_atom_array # Numpy < 1.8 doesn't recoxnize axis argument on norm. This is a # workaround for diff = np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=3) diff = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 3, diff) indices = np.where(diff <= R) densities = density[indices] atom_charge = np.sum(densities) projected_charges[0, i_atom] = atom_charge if debugging: debug_list.append((atom, indices, densities)) #DEBUG: Visualize the grid and contributing grid points as atoms if debugging: d = Atoms() d.set_cell(atoms_with_links.get_cell()) # Visualize the integration spheres with atoms for point in debug_list: atom = point[0] indices = point[1] densities = point[2] d.append(atom) print "Atom: " + str(atom.symbol) + ", Density sum: " + str(np.sum(densities)) print "Density points included: " + str(len(densities)) for i in range(len(indices[0])): x = indices[0][i] y = indices[1][i] z = indices[2][i] a = Atom('H') a.position = grid[x, y, z, :] d.append(a) view(d) # Normalize the projected charges according to the electronic charge in # the whole system excluding the link atom to preserve charge neutrality atomic_numbers = np.array(atoms_with_links.get_atomic_numbers()) total_electron_charge = -np.sum(atomic_numbers) total_charge = np.sum(np.array(projected_charges)) projected_charges *= total_electron_charge/total_charge # Add the nuclear charges and initial charges projected_charges += atomic_numbers # Set the calculated charges to the atoms. The call for charges was # changed between ASE 3.6 and 3.7 try: self.atoms_for_interaction.set_initial_charges(projected_charges[0, :].tolist()) except: self.atoms_for_interaction.set_charges(projected_charges[0, :].tolist()) self.pseudo_density = density self.timer.stop()
[docs] def get_potential_energy(self): """Returns the potential energy contained in this subsystem. """ # Update the cell size if minimization is on if self.cell_size_optimization_enabled: self.optimize_cell() # Ask the energy from the modified atoms (which include possible link # atoms) self.timer.start("Energy") self.potential_energy = self.calculator.get_potential_energy( self.atoms_for_subsystem) self.timer.stop() # Update the calculation grid if charge calculation with van Der Waals # division is enabled: if self.charge_calculation_enabled: if self.division == "van Der Waals": self.update_density_grid() return copy.copy(self.potential_energy)
[docs] def get_forces(self): """Returns a 3D numpy array that contains forces for this subsystem. The returned array contains a row for each atom in the full system, but there is only an entry for the atoms in this subsystem. This makes it easier to calculate the total forces later on. """ # Update the cell size if minimization is on if self.cell_size_optimization_enabled: self.optimize_cell() # Calculate the forces self.timer.start("Forces") forces = self.calculator.get_forces(self.atoms_for_subsystem) self.timer.stop() # Ignore forces on link atoms, link atoms are at the end of the list forces = forces[0:len(self.atoms_for_interaction), :] # Store the forces in a suitable numpy array that can be added to the forces of # the whole system full_forces = np.zeros((self.n_atoms, 3)) for sub_index in range(len(self.atoms_for_interaction)): full_index = self.reverse_index_map[sub_index] force = forces[sub_index, :] full_forces[full_index, :] = force # Update the calculation grid if charge calculation with van Der Waals # division is enabled: if self.charge_calculation_enabled: if self.division == "van Der Waals": self.update_density_grid() self.forces = full_forces return copy.copy(self.forces)
[docs] def get_pseudo_density(self): """Returns the electron pseudo density if available. """ if self.pseudo_density is not None: return copy.copy(self.pseudo_density) else: if hasattr(self.calculator, "get_pseudo_density"): return copy.copy(self.calculator.get_pseudo_density(self.atoms_for_subsystem)) else: warn("The pseudo density for subsystem \"" + + "\" is not available.", 2)