Source code for pysic.interactions.coulomb

#! /usr/bin/env python

from pysic.utility.error import InvalidSummationError

[docs]class CoulombSummation: """Class for representing a collection of parameters for evaluating Coulomb potentials. Summing :math:`1/r` potentials in periodic systems requires more advanced techniques than just direct summation of pair interactions. The starndard method for evaluating these kinds of potentials is through Ewald summation, where the long range part of the potential is evaluated in reciprocal space. Instances of this class are used for wrapping the parameters controlling the summations. Passing such an instance to the :class:`~pysic.Pysic` calculator activates the evaluation of Coulomb interactions. Currently, only Ewald summation is available as a calculation method. Parameters: method: string keyword specifying the method of summation parameters: list of doubles numeric values of summation parameters scaler: list of doubles numeric values for scaling the atomic charges in summation """ summation_modes = [ 'ewald' ] """Names of the summation methods. These are keywords used for setting up the summation algorithms.""" summation_parameters = { summation_modes[0] : ['real_cutoff', 'k_cutoff', 'sigma', 'epsilon'] } """Names of the parameters of the summation algorithm.""" summation_parameter_descriptions = { summation_modes[0] : ['real space cutoff radius', 'reciprocal space cutoff radius', 'ewald summation split parameter', 'vacuum permittivity'] } """Short descriptions of the parameters of the summation algorithm.""" def __init__(self,method='ewald',parameters=None,scaler=None): self.set_summation(method) self.set_parameters(parameters) self.set_scaling_factors(scaler) def __eq__(self,other): try: if self.method != other.method: return False if self.parameters != other.parameters: return False if self.scaler != other.scaler: return False except: return False return True def __ne__(self,other): return not self == other def __repr__(self): return "CoulombSummation(method='{m}',parameters={p},scaler={s})".format(m=self.method, p=str(self.parameters), s=str(self.scaler)) # ToDo: make an InvalidSummationError
[docs] def set_summation(self,method): """Sets the summation method. The method also creates a dictionary of parameters initialized to 0.0 by invoking :meth:`~pysic.CoulombSummation.initialize_parameters`. Parameters: method: string a keyword specifying the mode of summation """ if CoulombSummation.summation_modes.count(method) == 1: self.method = method self.initialize_parameters() else: raise InvalidParametersError("no such summation mode "+method)
[docs] def initialize_parameters(self): """Creates a dictionary of parameters and initializes all values to 0.0. """ self.parameters = {} for param in CoulombSummation.summation_parameters[self.method]: self.parameters[param] = 0.0
[docs] def set_parameters(self, parameters): """Sets the numeric values for all parameters. Equivalent to :meth:`~pysic.CoulombSummation.set_parameter_values` Parameters: parameters: list of doubles list of values to be assigned to parameters """ self.set_parameter_values(parameters)
[docs] def set_parameter_values(self, parameters): """Sets the numeric values for all parameters. Parameters: parameters: list of doubles list of values to be assigned to parameters """ if parameters == None: return if self.parameters == None: self.initialize_parameters() if len(parameters) != len(self.parameters): raise InvalidParametersError("The summation mode "+self.method+" requires "+ len(self.parameters)+" parameters.") for key, value in zip(self.parameters.get_keys(), parameters): self.parameters[key] = parameters
[docs] def set_parameter_value(self, parameter_name, value): """Sets a given parameter to the desired value. Parameters: parameter_name: string name of the parameter value: double the new value of the parameter """ self.parameters[parameter_name] = value
[docs] def set_scaling_factors(self,scaler): """Set the list of scaling parameters for atomic charges. Parameters: scaler: list of doubles the list of scaling factors """ self.scaler = scaler
[docs] def get_scaling_factors(self): """Returns the list of scaling parameters for atomic charges. """ return self.scaler
[docs] def get_summation(self): """Returns the mode of summation.""" return self.method
[docs] def get_parameters(self): """Returns a list containing the numeric values of the parameters. """ return self.parameters
[docs] def get_realspace_cutoff(self): """Returns the real space cutoff. """ if self.method == CoulombSummation.summation_modes[0]: #ewald return self.parameters['real_cutoff'] return 0.0