Source code for pysic.calculator

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""The main module of Pysic.
This module defines the user interface in Pysic for setting up potentials
and calculators.

from pysic.core import *
from pysic.utility.error import *
from pysic.interactions.local import Potential
from pysic.interactions.bondorder import Coordinator, BondOrderParameters
from pysic.interactions.coulomb import CoulombSummation
from pysic.charges.relaxation import ChargeRelaxation

import pysic.pysic_fortran as pf
import ase.calculators.neighborlist as nbl
import pysic.utility.f2py as pu

import numpy as np
import ase.calculators.neighborlist as nbl
from itertools import permutations
import copy
import math

neighbor_marginal = 0.5
"""Default skin width for the neighbor list"""

[docs]class FastNeighborList(nbl.NeighborList): """ASE has a neighbor list class built in, but its implementation is currently inefficient, and building of the list is an :math:`O(n^2)` operation. This neighbor list class overrides the :meth:`` method with an :math:`O(n)` time routine. The fast routine is based on a spatial partitioning algorithm. The way cutoffs are handled is also somewhat different to the original ASE list. In ASE, the distances for two atoms are compared against the sum of the individual cutoffs + neighbor list skin. This list, however, searches for the neighbors of each atom at a distance of the cutoff of the given atom only, plus skin. """ def __init__(self, cutoffs, skin=neighbor_marginal): nbl.NeighborList.__init__(self, cutoffs=cutoffs, skin=skin, sorted=False, self_interaction=False, bothways=True)
[docs] def build(self,atoms): """Builds the neighbor list. The routine requires that the given atomic structure matches the one in the core. This is because the method invokes the Fortran core to do the neighbor search. The method overrides the similar method in the original ASE neighborlist class, which directly operates on the given structure, so this method also takes the atomic structure as an argument. However, in order to keep the core modification routines in the :class:`~pysic.Pysic` class, this method does not change the core structure. It does raise an error if the structures do not match, though. The neighbor search is done via the :meth:`generate_neighbor_lists` routine. The routine builds the neighbor list in the core, after which the list is fed back to the :class:`~pysic.FastNeighborList` object by looping over all atoms and saving the lists of neighbors and offsets. Parameters: atoms: ASE Atoms object the structure for which the neighbors are searched """ if not Pysic.core.atoms_ready(atoms): raise MissingAtomsError("Neighbor list building: Atoms in the core do not match.") if Pysic.core.get_atoms() != atoms: raise MissingAtomsError("Neighbor list building: Atoms in the core do not match.") self.positions = atoms.get_positions() self.pbc = atoms.get_pbc() self.cell = atoms.get_cell() pf.pysic_interface.generate_neighbor_lists(self.cutoffs) self.neighbors = [np.empty(0, int) for a in range(len(atoms))] self.displacements = [np.empty((0, 3), int) for a in range(len(atoms))] for i in range(len(atoms)): n_nbs = pf.pysic_interface.get_number_of_neighbors_of_atom(i) if n_nbs > 0: (self.neighbors[i], self.displacements[i]) = pf.pysic_interface.get_neighbor_list_of_atom(i,n_nbs) # the offsets are in Fortran array format, so they need to be transposed self.displacements[i] = np.transpose(self.displacements[i]) self.nupdates += 1
[docs]class Pysic: """A calculator class providing the necessary methods for interfacing with `ASE`_. Pysic is a calculator for evaluating energies and forces for given atomic structures according to the given :class:`~pysic.Potential` set. Neither the geometry nor the potentials have to be specified upon creating the calculator, as they can be specified or changed later. They are necessary for actual calculation, of course. Simulation geometries must be defined as `ASE Atoms`_. This object contains both the atomistic coordinates and supercell parameters. Potentials must be defined as a list of :class:`~pysic.Potential` objects. The total potential of the system is then the sum of the individual potentials. .. _ASE: .. _ASE Atoms: Parameters: atoms: `ASE Atoms`_ object an Atoms object containing the full simulation geometry potentials: list of :class:`~pysic.Potential` objects list of potentials for describing interactions force_initialization: boolean If true, calculations always fully initialize the Fortran core. If false, the Pysic tries to evaluate what needs updating by consulting the :data:`~pysic.Pysic.core` instance of :class:`~pysic.CoreMirror`. """ core = CoreMirror() """An object storing the data passed to the core. Whenever a :class:`~pysic.Pysic` calculator alters the Fortran core, it should also modify the :data:`~pysic.Pysic.core` object so that it is always a valid representation of the actual core. Then, whenever :class:`~pysic.Pysic` needs to check if the representation in the core is up to date, it only needs to compare against :data:`~pysic.Pysic.core` instead of accessing the Fortran core itself. """ def __init__(self,atoms=None,potentials=None,charge_relaxation=None, coulomb=None,full_initialization=False): self.neighbor_lists_ready = False self.saved_cutoffs = None self.structure = None self.neighbor_list = None self.potentials = None self.charge_relaxation = None self.coulomb = None self.set_atoms(atoms) self.set_potentials(potentials) self.set_charge_relaxation(charge_relaxation) self.set_coulomb_summation(coulomb) self.forces = None self.stress = None = None self.electronegativities = None self.force_core_initialization = full_initialization def __eq__(self,other): try: if self.structure != other.structure: return False if any(self.structure.get_charges() != other.structure.get_charges()): return False if self.neighbor_list != other.neighbor_list: return False if self.potentials != other.potentials: return False except: return False return True def __ne__(self,other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return "Pysic(atoms={atoms},potentials={pots},full_initialization={init})".format(atoms=str(self.structure), pots=str(self.potentials), init=str(self.force_core_initialization))
[docs] def core_initialization_is_forced(self): """Returns true if the core is always fully initialized, false otherwise.""" return self.force_core_initialization
[docs] def force_core_initialization(self,new_mode): """Set the core initialization mode. Parameters: new_mode: logical true if full initialization is required, false if not """ self.force_core_initialization = new_mode
[docs] def calculation_required(self, atoms=None, quantities=['forces','energy','stress','electronegativities']): """Check if a calculation is required. When forces or energy are calculated, the calculator saves the result in case it is needed several times. This method tells if a wanted quantity is not yet calculated for the current structure and needs to be calculated explicitly. If a list of several quantities is given, the method returns true if any one of them needs to be calculated. Parameters: atoms: `ASE Atoms`_ object ignored at the moment quantities: list of strings list of keywords 'energy', 'forces', 'stress', 'electronegativities' """ do_it = [] try: assert isinstance(quantities, list) list_of_quantities = quantities except: list_of_quantities = [ quantities ] for mark in list_of_quantities: if mark == 'energy': do_it.append( is None) elif mark == 'forces': do_it.append(self.forces is None) elif mark == 'electronegativities': do_it.append(self.electronegativities is None) elif mark == 'stress': do_it.append(self.stress is None) else: do_it.append(False) # If the core does not match the Pysic calculator, # we may have changed the system or potentials # associated with the calculator without telling it. # In that case the quantities need to be recalculated. # It is of course possible that we have several Pysics # changing the core which would lead to unnecessary # recalculations. if(not Pysic.core.atoms_ready(self.structure)): #print "atoms" do_it.append(True) if(not Pysic.core.charges_ready(self.structure)): #print "charges" do_it.append(True) if(not Pysic.core.cell_ready(self.structure)): #print "cell" do_it.append(True) if(not Pysic.core.potentials_ready(self.potentials)): #print "potentials" do_it.append(True) return any(do_it)
[docs] def get_atoms(self): """Returns the `ASE Atoms`_ object assigned to the calculator.""" return self.structure
[docs] def get_neighbor_lists(self): """Returns the :class:`~pysic.FastNeighborList` or `ASE NeighborList`_ object assigned to the calculator. The neighbor lists are generated according to the given `ASE Atoms`_ object and the :class:`~pysic.Potential` objects of the calculator. Note that the lists are created when the core is set or if the method :meth:`~pysic.Pysic.create_neighbor_lists` is called. """ return self.neighbor_list
[docs] def get_potentials(self): """Returns the list of potentials assigned to the calculator.""" return self.potentials
[docs] def get_electronegativities(self, atoms=None): """Returns the electronegativities of atoms. """ self.set_atoms(atoms) if self.calculation_required(atoms,'electronegativities'): self.calculate_electronegativities() return self.electronegativities
[docs] def get_electronegativity_differences(self, atoms=None): """Returns the electronegativity differences of atoms from the average of the entire system. """ enegs = self.get_electronegativities(atoms) average_eneg = enegs.sum()/len(enegs) return enegs - average_eneg
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms=None): """Returns the forces. If the atoms parameter is given, it will be used for updating the structure assigned to the calculator prior to calculating the forces. Otherwise the structure already associated with the calculator is used. The calculator checks if the forces have been calculated already via :meth:`~pysic.Pysic.calculation_required`. If the structure has changed, the forces are calculated using :meth:`~pysic.Pysic.calculate_forces` Parameters: atoms: `ASE atoms`_ object the structure for which the forces are determined """ self.set_atoms(atoms) if self.calculation_required(atoms,'forces'): self.calculate_forces() return self.forces
[docs] def get_potential_energy(self, atoms=None, force_consistent=False): """Returns the potential energy. If the atoms parameter is given, it will be used for updating the structure assigned to the calculator prior to calculating the energy. Otherwise the structure already associated with the calculator is used. The calculator checks if the energy has been calculated already via :meth:`~pysic.Pysic.calculation_required`. If the structure has changed, the energy is calculated using :meth:`~pysic.Pysic.calculate_energy` Parameters: atoms: `ASE atoms`_ object the structure for which the energy is determined force_consistent: logical ignored at the moment """ self.set_atoms(atoms) if self.calculation_required(atoms,'energy'): self.calculate_energy() return
[docs] def get_stress(self, atoms=None): """Returns the stress tensor in the format :math:`[\sigma_{xx},\sigma_{yy},\sigma_{zz},\sigma_{yz},\sigma_{xz},\sigma_{xy}]` If the atoms parameter is given, it will be used for updating the structure assigned to the calculator prior to calculating the stress. Otherwise the structure already associated with the calculator is used. The calculator checks if the stress has been calculated already via :meth:`~pysic.Pysic.calculation_required`. If the structure has changed, the stress is calculated using :meth:`~pysic.Pysic.calculate_stress` Stress (potential part) and force are evaluated in tandem. Therefore, invoking the evaluation of one automatically leads to the evaluation of the other. Thus, if you have just evaluated the forces, the stress will already be known. This is because the stress tensor is formally defined as .. math:: \\sigma_{AB} = -\\frac{1}{V} \\sum_i \\left[ m_i (v_i)_A (v_i)_B + (r_i)_A (f_i)_B \\right], where :math:`m`, :math:`v`, :math:`r`, and :math:`f` are mass, velocity, position and force of atom :math:`i`, and :math:`A`, :math:`B` denote the cartesian coordinates :math:`x,y,z`. (The minus sign is there just to be consistent with the NPT routines in `ASE`_.) However, if periodic boundaries are used, the absolute coordinates cannot be used (there would be discontinuities at the boundaries of the simulation cell). Instead, the potential energy terms :math:`(r_i)_A (f_i)_B` must be evaluated locally for pair, triplet, and many body forces using the relative coordinates of the particles involved in the local interactions. These coordinates are only available during the actual force evaluation when the local interactions are looped over. Thus, calculating the stress requires doing the full force evaluation cycle. On the other hand, calculating the stress is not a great effort compared to the force evaluation, so it is convenient to evaluate the stress always when the forces are evaluated. Parameters: atoms: `ASE atoms`_ object the structure for which the stress is determined """ self.set_atoms(atoms) if self.calculation_required(atoms,'stress'): self.calculate_stress() # self.stress contains the potential contribution to the stress tensor # but we add the kinetic contribution on the fly momenta = self.structure.get_momenta() masses = self.structure.get_masses() velocities = np.divide( momenta, np.array([masses,masses,masses]).transpose() ) kinetic_stress = np.array([0.0]*6) # s_xx, s_yy, s_zz, s_yz, s_xz, s_xy kinetic_stress[0] = momenta[:,0], velocities[:,0] ) kinetic_stress[1] = momenta[:,1], velocities[:,1] ) kinetic_stress[2] = momenta[:,2], velocities[:,2] ) kinetic_stress[3] = momenta[:,1], velocities[:,2] ) kinetic_stress[4] = momenta[:,0], velocities[:,2] ) kinetic_stress[5] = momenta[:,0], velocities[:,1] ) # ASE NPT simulator wants the pressure with an inversed sign return -( kinetic_stress + self.stress ) / self.structure.get_volume()
[docs] def set_atoms(self, atoms=None): """Assigns the calculator with the given structure. This method is always called when any method is given the atomic structure as an argument. If the argument is missing or None, nothing is done. Otherwise a copy of the given structure is saved (according to the instructions in `ASE API <>`_.) If a structure is already in memory and it is different to the given one (as compared with ``__ne__``), it is noted that all quantities are unknown for the new system. If the structure is the same as the one already known, nothing is done. This is because if one wants to access the energy of forces of the same system repeatedly, it is unnecessary to always calculate them from scratch. Therefore the calculator saves the computed values along with a flag stating that the values have been computed. Parameters: atoms: `ASE atoms`_ object the structure to be calculated """ if atoms == None: pass else: if(self.structure != atoms or (self.structure.get_charges() != atoms.get_charges()).any()): self.forces = None = None self.stress = None self.electronegativities = None # NB: this avoids updating the potential lists every time an atom moves try: if((self.structure.get_atomic_numbers() != atoms.get_atomic_numbers()).any()): Pysic.core.potential_lists_ready = False self.neighbor_lists_waiting = False if((self.structure.get_tags() != atoms.get_tags()).any()): Pysic.core.potential_lists_ready = False self.neighbor_lists_waiting = False if(not Pysic.core.potentials_ready(self.potentials)): Pysic.core.potential_lists_ready = False self.neighbor_lists_waiting = False except: Pysic.core.potential_lists_ready = False self.neighbor_lists_waiting = False self.structure = atoms.copy()
[docs] def set_potentials(self, potentials): """Assign a list of potentials to the calculator. Parameters: potentials: list of :class:`~pysic.Potential` objects a list of potentials to describe interactinos """ if potentials == None: pass else: self.forces = None = None self.stress = None self.electronegativities = None new_cutoffs = self.get_individual_cutoffs(1.0) self.neighbor_lists_waiting = not self.neighbor_lists_expanded(new_cutoffs) try: assert isinstance(potentials,list) self.potentials = potentials except: self.potentials = [potentials]
[docs] def add_potential(self, potential): """Add a potential to the list of potentials. Parameters: potential: :class:`~pysic.Potential` object a new potential to describe interactions """ if self.potentials == None: self.potentials = [] self.potentials.append(potential) self.forces = None = None self.stress = None self.electronegativities = None new_cutoffs = self.get_individual_cutoffs(1.0) self.neighbor_lists_waiting = not self.neighbor_lists_expanded(new_cutoffs)
[docs] def set_coulomb_summation(self,coulomb): """Set the Coulomb summation algorithm for the calculator. If a Coulomb summation algorithm is set, the Coulomb interactions between all charged atoms are evaluated automatically during energy and force evaluation. If not, the charges do not directly interact. Parameters: coulomb: :class:`~pysic.CoulombSummation` the Coulomb summation algorithm """ self.coulomb = coulomb new_cutoffs = self.get_individual_cutoffs(1.0) self.neighbor_lists_waiting = not self.neighbor_lists_expanded(new_cutoffs)
[docs] def get_coulomb_summation(self): """Returns the Coulomb summation algorithm of this calculator. """ return self.coulomb
[docs] def set_charge_relaxation(self,charge_relaxation): """Add a charge relaxation algorithm to the calculator. If a charge relaxation scheme has been added to the :class:`~pysic.Pysic` calculator, it will be automatically asked to do the charge relaxation before the calculation of energies or forces via :meth:`~pysic.ChargeRelaxation.charge_relaxation`. It is also possible to pass the :class:`~pysic.Pysic` calculator to the :class:`~pysic.ChargeRelaxation` algorithm without creating the opposite link using :meth:`~pysic.ChargeRelaxation.set_calculator`. In that case, the calculator does not automatically relax the charges, but the user can manually trigger the relaxation with :meth:`~pysic.ChargeRelaxation.charge_relaxation`. If you wish to remove automatic charge relaxation, just call this method again with None as argument. Parameters: charge_relaxation: :class:`~pysic.ChargeRelaxation` object the charge relaxation algorithm """ try: charge_relaxation.set_calculator(self, reciprocal=False) except: pass self.charge_relaxation = charge_relaxation
[docs] def get_charge_relaxation(self): """Returns the :class:`~pysic.ChargeRelaxation` object connected to the calculator. """ return self.charge_relaxation
[docs] def create_neighbor_lists(self,cutoffs=None,marginal=neighbor_marginal): """Initializes the neighbor lists. In order to do calculations at reasonable speed, the calculator needs a list of neighbors for each atom. For this purpose, the `ASE NeighborList`_ are used. This method initializes these lists according to the given cutoffs. .. _ASE NeighborList: Parameters: cutoffs: list of doubles a list containing the cutoff distance for each atom marginal: double the skin width of the neighbor list """ fastlist = True if cutoffs == None: cutoffs = self.get_individual_cutoffs(1.0) max_cut = np.max(cutoffs) for i in range(3): vec = self.structure.get_cell()[i] other_vec1 = self.structure.get_cell()[(i+1)%3] other_vec2 = self.structure.get_cell()[(i+2)%3] normal = np.cross(other_vec1,other_vec2) length = math.fabs(,normal))/math.sqrt(,normal)) if length < max_cut: fastlist = False if fastlist: try: self.neighbor_list = FastNeighborList(cutoffs,skin=marginal) except: fastlist = False if not fastlist: self.neighbor_list = nbl.NeighborList(cutoffs,skin=marginal,sorted=False,self_interaction=False,bothways=True) self.neighbor_lists_waiting = True self.set_cutoffs(cutoffs)
[docs] def get_individual_cutoffs(self,scaler=1.0): """Get a list of maximum cutoffs for all atoms. For each atom, the interaction with the longest cutoff is found and the associated maximum cutoffs are returned as a list. In case the a list of scaled values are required, the scaler can be adjusted. E.g., scaler = 0.5 will return the cutoffs halved. Parameters: scaler: double a number for scaling all values in the generated list """ if self.structure == None: return None elif self.potentials == None: if self.coulomb == None: return self.structure.get_number_of_atoms()*[0.0] else: return self.structure.get_number_of_atoms()*[self.coulomb.get_realspace_cutoff()] else: cuts = [] # loop over all atoms, with symbol, tags, index containing the corresponding # info for a single atom at a time for symbol, tags, index in zip(self.structure.get_chemical_symbols(), self.structure.get_tags(), range(self.structure.get_number_of_atoms())): if self.coulomb == None: max_cut = 0.0 else: max_cut = self.coulomb.get_realspace_cutoff() for potential in self.potentials: active_potential = False if potential.get_different_symbols().count(symbol) > 0 or potential.get_different_tags().count(tags) > 0 or potential.get_different_indices().count(index) > 0: active_potential = True if active_potential and potential.get_cutoff() > max_cut: max_cut = potential.get_cutoff() try: for bond in potential.get_coordinator().get_bond_order_parameters(): active_bond = False if bond.get_different_symbols().count(symbol) > 0: active_bond = True if active_bond: if bond.get_cutoff() > max_cut: max_cut = bond.get_cutoff() except: pass cuts.append(max_cut*scaler) return cuts
[docs] def calculate_electronegativities(self): """Calculates electronegativities. Calls the Fortran core to calculate forces for the currently assigned structure. """ self.set_core() n_atoms = pf.pysic_interface.get_number_of_atoms() self.electronegativities = pf.pysic_interface.calculate_electronegativities(n_atoms).transpose()
[docs] def calculate_forces(self): """Calculates forces (and the potential part of the stress tensor). Calls the Fortran core to calculate forces for the currently assigned structure. If a link exists to a :class:`~pysic.ChargeRelaxation`, it is first made to relax the atomic charges before the forces are calculated. """ self.set_core() if self.charge_relaxation != None: self.charge_relaxation.charge_relaxation() n_atoms = pf.pysic_interface.get_number_of_atoms() self.forces, self.stress = pf.pysic_interface.calculate_forces(n_atoms)#.transpose() self.forces = self.forces.transpose()
[docs] def calculate_energy(self): """Calculates the potential energy. Calls the Fortran core to calculate the potential energy for the currently assigned structure. If a link exists to a :class:`~pysic.ChargeRelaxation`, it is first made to relax the atomic charges before the forces are calculated. """ self.set_core() if self.charge_relaxation != None: self.charge_relaxation.charge_relaxation() n_atoms = pf.pysic_interface.get_number_of_atoms() = pf.pysic_interface.calculate_energy(n_atoms)
[docs] def calculate_stress(self): """Calculates the potential part of the stress tensor (and forces). Calls the Fortran core to calculate the stress tensor for the currently assigned structure. """ if self.charge_relaxation != None: self.charge_relaxation.charge_relaxation() self.set_core() n_atoms = pf.pysic_interface.get_number_of_atoms() self.forces, self.stress = pf.pysic_interface.calculate_forces(n_atoms) self.forces = self.forces.transpose()
[docs] def set_core(self): """Sets up the Fortran core for calculation. If the core is not initialized, if the number of atoms has changed, or if full initialization is forced, the core is initialized from scratch. Otherwise, only the atomic coordinates and momenta are updated. Potentials, neighbor lists etc. are also updated if they have been edited. """ do_full_init = False if self.force_core_initialization: do_full_init = True elif not Pysic.core.mpi_ready: do_full_init = True elif Pysic.core.get_atoms() == None: do_full_init = True elif self.structure.get_number_of_atoms() != Pysic.core.structure.get_number_of_atoms(): do_full_init = True elif self.structure.get_number_of_atoms() != pf.pysic_interface.get_number_of_atoms(): do_full_init = True if do_full_init: self.initialize_fortran_core() else: if not Pysic.core.cell_ready(self.structure): self.update_core_supercell() if not Pysic.core.atoms_ready(self.structure): self.update_core_coordinates() if not Pysic.core.charges_ready(self.structure): self.update_core_charges() if not Pysic.core.potentials_ready(self.potentials): self.update_core_potentials() if self.coulomb != None: if not Pysic.core.coulomb_summation_ready(self.coulomb): self.update_core_coulomb() if not Pysic.core.potential_lists_ready: self.update_core_potential_lists() if not self.neighbor_lists_waiting: self.create_neighbor_lists(self.get_individual_cutoffs(1.0)) if not Pysic.core.neighbor_lists_ready(self.neighbor_list): self.update_core_neighbor_lists()
[docs] def update_core_potential_lists(self): """Initializes the potential lists. Since one often runs :class:`~pysic.Pysic` with a set of potentials, the core pre-analyzes which potentials affect each atom and saves a list of such potentials for every particle. This method asks the core to generate these lists. """ if not Pysic.core.atoms_ready(self.structure): raise MissingAtomsError("Creating potential lists before updating atoms in core.") pf.pysic_interface.create_potential_list() pf.pysic_interface.create_bond_order_factor_list() Pysic.core.potential_lists_ready = True
[docs] def update_core_potentials(self): """Generates potentials for the Fortran core.""" Pysic.core.potential_lists_ready = False if self.potentials == None: pf.pysic_interface.allocate_potentials(0) pf.pysic_interface.allocate_bond_order_factors(0) return if len(self.potentials) == 0: pf.pysic_interface.allocate_potentials(0) pf.pysic_interface.allocate_bond_order_factors(0) return n_pots = 0 coord_list = [] pot_index = 0 # count the number of separate potentials for pot in self.potentials: # grab the coordinators associated with the potentials coord = pot.get_coordinator() if(coord != None): coord_list.append([coord,pot_index]) pot_index += 1 try: alltargets = pot.get_symbols() for targets in alltargets: perms = permutations(targets) different = set(perms) n_pots += len(different) except: pass try: alltargets = pot.get_tags() for targets in alltargets: perms = permutations(targets) different = set(perms) n_pots += len(different) except: pass try: alltargets = pot.get_indices() for targets in alltargets: perms = permutations(targets) different = set(perms) n_pots += len(different) except: pass pf.pysic_interface.allocate_potentials(n_pots) pot_index = 0 for pot in self.potentials: group_index = -1 if pot.get_coordinator() != None: group_index = pot_index pot.get_coordinator().set_group_index(pot_index) pot_index += 1 n_targ = pot.get_number_of_targets() no_symbs = np.array( n_targ*[pu.str2ints('xx',2)] ).transpose() no_tags = np.array( n_targ*[-9] ) no_inds = np.array( n_targ*[-9] ) try: alltargets = pot.get_symbols() for targets in alltargets: int_orig_symbs = [] for orig_symbs in targets: int_orig_symbs.append( pu.str2ints(orig_symbs,2) ) perms = permutations(targets) different = set(perms) for symbs in different: int_symbs = [] for label in symbs: int_symbs.append( pu.str2ints(label,2) ) pf.pysic_interface.add_potential(pot.get_potential_type(), np.array( pot.get_parameter_values() ), pot.get_cutoff(), pot.get_soft_cutoff(), np.array( int_symbs ).transpose(), no_tags, no_inds, np.array( int_orig_symbs ).transpose(), no_tags, no_inds, group_index ) except: pass try: alltargets = pot.get_tags() for targets in alltargets: orig_tags = targets perms = permutations(targets) different = set(perms) for tags in different: pf.pysic_interface.add_potential(pot.get_potential_type(), np.array( pot.get_parameter_values() ), pot.get_cutoff(), pot.get_soft_cutoff(), no_symbs, np.array( tags ), no_inds, no_symbs, np.array(orig_tags), no_inds, group_index ) except: pass try: alltargets = pot.get_indices() for targets in alltargets: orig_inds = targets perms = permutations(targets) different = set(perms) for inds in different: pf.pysic_interface.add_potential(pot.get_potential_type(), np.array( pot.get_parameter_values() ), pot.get_cutoff(), pot.get_soft_cutoff(), no_symbs, no_tags, np.array( inds ), no_symbs, no_tags, np.array(orig_inds), group_index ) except: pass n_bonds = 0 for coord in coord_list: try: allbonds = coord[0].get_bond_order_parameters() for bond in allbonds: alltargets = bond.get_symbols() for targets in alltargets: perms = permutations(targets) different = set(perms) n_bonds += len(different) except: pass pf.pysic_interface.allocate_bond_order_factors(n_bonds) for coord in coord_list: try: allbonds = coord[0].get_bond_order_parameters() for bond in allbonds: alltargets = bond.get_symbols() for targets in alltargets: int_orig_symbs = [] for orig_symbs in targets: int_orig_symbs.append( pu.str2ints(orig_symbs,2) ) perms = permutations(targets) different = set(perms) for symbs in different: int_symbs = [] for label in symbs: int_symbs.append( pu.str2ints(label,2) ) pf.pysic_interface.add_bond_order_factor(bond.get_bond_order_type(), np.array( bond.get_parameters_as_list() ), np.array( bond.get_number_of_parameters() ), bond.get_cutoff(), bond.get_soft_cutoff(), np.array( int_symbs ).transpose(), np.array( int_orig_symbs ).transpose(), coord[1]) except: pass n_atoms = pf.pysic_interface.get_number_of_atoms() pf.pysic_interface.allocate_bond_order_storage(n_atoms, pot_index, len(coord_list)) Pysic.core.set_potentials(self.potentials)
[docs] def update_core_coulomb(self): """Updates the Coulomb summation parameters in the Fortran core. """ if self.coulomb != None: if self.coulomb.method == CoulombSummation.summation_modes[0]: # ewald summation rcut = self.coulomb.parameters['real_cutoff'] kcut = self.coulomb.parameters['k_cutoff'] sigma = self.coulomb.parameters['sigma'] epsilon = self.coulomb.parameters['epsilon'] scales = self.coulomb.get_scaling_factors() # calculate the truncation limits for the k-space sum reci_cell = self.structure.get_reciprocal_cell() volume = reci_cell[0], np.cross( reci_cell[1], reci_cell[2] ) ) k1 = int( kcut * np.linalg.norm( np.cross( reci_cell[1], reci_cell[2] ) ) / volume + 0.5 ) k2 = int( kcut * np.linalg.norm( np.cross( reci_cell[0], reci_cell[2] ) ) / volume + 0.5 ) k3 = int( kcut * np.linalg.norm( np.cross( reci_cell[0], reci_cell[1] ) ) / volume + 0.5 ) if scales == None: scales = [1.0]*self.structure.get_number_of_atoms() elif(len(scales) != self.structure.get_number_of_atoms()): raise InvalidParametersError("Length of the scaling factor vector does not match the number of atoms.") pf.pysic_interface.set_ewald_parameters(rcut, np.array([k1,k2,k3]), sigma, epsilon, scales) Pysic.core.set_coulomb(self.coulomb)
[docs] def update_core_coordinates(self): """Updates the positions and momenta of atoms in the Fortran core. The core must be initialized and the number of atoms must match. Upon the update, it is automatically checked if the neighbor lists should be updated as well. """ if self.structure.get_number_of_atoms() != pf.pysic_interface.get_number_of_atoms(): raise LockedCoreError("The number of atoms does not match.") positions = np.array( self.structure.get_positions() ).transpose() momenta = np.array( self.structure.get_momenta() ).transpose() self.forces = None = None self.stress = None self.electronegativities = None pf.pysic_interface.update_atom_coordinates(positions,momenta) Pysic.core.set_atomic_positions(self.structure) Pysic.core.set_atomic_momenta(self.structure) if not self.neighbor_lists_waiting: self.create_neighbor_lists(self.get_individual_cutoffs(1.0)) self.update_core_neighbor_lists()
[docs] def update_core_charges(self): """Updates atomic charges in the core.""" charges = np.array( self.structure.get_charges() ) self.forces = None = None self.stress = None self.electronegativities = None pf.pysic_interface.update_atom_charges(charges) Pysic.core.set_charges(charges)
[docs] def update_core_supercell(self): """Updates the supercell in the Fortran core.""" vectors = np.array( self.structure.get_cell() ).transpose() inverse = np.linalg.inv(np.array( self.structure.get_cell() )).transpose() periodicity = np.array( self.structure.get_pbc() ) pf.pysic_interface.create_cell(vectors,inverse,periodicity) Pysic.core.set_cell(self.structure) Pysic.core.set_neighbor_lists(None)
[docs] def update_core_neighbor_lists(self): """Updates the neighbor lists in the Fortran core. If uninitialized, the lists are created first via :meth:`~pysic.Pysic.create_neighbor_lists`. """ if not Pysic.core.atoms_ready(self.structure): raise MissingAtomsError("Creating neighbor lists before updating atoms in the core.") cutoffs = self.get_individual_cutoffs(1.0) if not self.neighbor_lists_waiting: self.create_neighbor_lists(cutoffs) self.set_cutoffs(cutoffs) self.neighbor_lists_waiting = True self.neighbor_list.update(self.structure) if isinstance(self.neighbor_list,FastNeighborList): # if we used the fast list, the core is already updated pass else: # if we have used the ASE list, it must be passed on to the core for index in range(self.structure.get_number_of_atoms()): [nbors,offs] = self.neighbor_list.get_neighbors(index) pf.pysic_interface.create_neighbor_list(index+1,np.array(nbors),np.array(offs).transpose()) Pysic.core.set_neighbor_lists(self.neighbor_list)
[docs] def initialize_fortran_core(self): """Fully initializes the Fortran core, creating the atoms, supercell, potentials, and neighbor lists.""" masses = np.array( self.structure.get_masses() ) charges = np.array( self.structure.get_charges() ) positions = np.array( self.structure.get_positions() ).transpose() momenta = np.array( self.structure.get_momenta() ).transpose() tags = np.array( self.structure.get_tags() ) elements = self.structure.get_chemical_symbols() for index in range(len(elements)): elements[index] = pu.str2ints(elements[index],2) elements = np.array( elements ).transpose() #self.create_neighbor_lists(self.get_individual_cutoffs(1.0)) #self.neighbor_lists_waiting = True pf.pysic_interface.create_atoms(masses,charges,positions,momenta,tags,elements) Pysic.core.set_atoms(self.structure) pf.pysic_interface.distribute_mpi(self.structure.get_number_of_atoms()) Pysic.core.mpi_ready = True self.update_core_supercell() self.update_core_potentials() self.update_core_neighbor_lists() self.update_core_potential_lists() self.update_core_coulomb()
[docs] def get_numerical_energy_gradient(self, atom_index, shift=0.0001, atoms=None): """Numerically calculates the negative gradient of energy with respect to moving a single particle. This is for debugging the forces.""" if(atoms == None): system = self.structure orig_system = self.structure.copy() else: system = atoms.copy() orig_system = atoms.copy() self.set_atoms(system) == None energy_xp = self.get_potential_energy() system[atom_index].x += shift energy_xp = self.get_potential_energy() system[atom_index].x -= 2.0*shift energy_xm = self.get_potential_energy() system[atom_index].x += shift system[atom_index].y += shift energy_yp = self.get_potential_energy() system[atom_index].y -= 2.0*shift energy_ym = self.get_potential_energy() system[atom_index].y += shift system[atom_index].z += shift energy_zp = self.get_potential_energy() system[atom_index].z -= 2.0*shift energy_zm = self.get_potential_energy() system[atom_index].z += shift == None self.get_potential_energy(orig_system) return [ -(energy_xp-energy_xm)/(2.0*shift), -(energy_yp-energy_ym)/(2.0*shift), -(energy_zp-energy_zm)/(2.0*shift) ]
[docs] def set_cutoffs(self, cutoffs): """Copy and save the list of individual cutoff radii. Parameters: cutoffs: list of doubles new cutoffs """ self.saved_cutoffs = copy.deepcopy(cutoffs)
[docs] def neighbor_lists_expanded(self, cutoffs): """Check if the cutoffs have been expanded. If the cutoffs have been made longer than before, the neighbor lists have to be recalculated. This method checks the individual cutoffs of all atoms to check if the cutoffs have changed. Parameters: cutoffs: list of doubles new cutoffs """ if self.saved_cutoffs == None: return True if cutoffs == None: return True if len(self.saved_cutoffs) != len(cutoffs): return True for old_cut, new_cut in zip(self.saved_cutoffs, cutoffs): if old_cut < new_cut: return True return False
[docs] def get_numerical_bond_order_gradient(self, coordinator, atom_index, moved_index, shift=0.001, atoms=None): """Numerically calculates the gradient of a bond order factor with respect to moving a single particle. This is for debugging the bond orders.""" if(atoms == None): system = self.structure.copy() orig_system = self.structure.copy() else: system = atoms.copy() orig_system = atoms.copy() == None crd = coordinator system[moved_index].x += shift self.set_atoms(system) self.set_core() crd.calculate_bond_order_factors() bond_xp = crd.get_bond_order_factors()[atom_index] system[moved_index].x -= 2.0*shift self.set_atoms(system) self.set_core() crd.calculate_bond_order_factors() bond_xm = crd.get_bond_order_factors()[atom_index] system[moved_index].x += shift system[moved_index].y += shift self.set_atoms(system) self.set_core() crd.calculate_bond_order_factors() bond_yp = crd.get_bond_order_factors()[atom_index] system[moved_index].y -= 2.0*shift self.set_atoms(system) self.set_core() crd.calculate_bond_order_factors() bond_ym = crd.get_bond_order_factors()[atom_index] system[moved_index].y += shift system[moved_index].z += shift self.set_atoms(system) self.set_core() crd.calculate_bond_order_factors() bond_zp = crd.get_bond_order_factors()[atom_index] system[moved_index].z -= 2.0*shift self.set_atoms(system) self.set_core() crd.calculate_bond_order_factors() bond_zm = crd.get_bond_order_factors()[atom_index] system[moved_index].z += shift == None self.set_atoms(orig_system) self.set_core() return [ (bond_xp-bond_xm)/(2.0*shift), (bond_yp-bond_ym)/(2.0*shift), (bond_zp-bond_zm)/(2.0*shift) ]
[docs] def get_numerical_electronegativity(self, atom_index, shift=0.001, atoms=None): """Numerically calculates the derivative of energy with respect to charging a single particle. This is for debugging the electronegativities.""" if(atoms == None): system = self.structure.copy() orig_system = self.structure.copy() else: system = atoms.copy() orig_system = self.structure.copy() charges = system.get_charges() == None self.set_atoms(system) self.set_core() charges[atom_index] += 1.0*shift system.set_charges(charges) energy_p = self.get_potential_energy(system) charges[atom_index] -= 2.0*shift system.set_charges(charges) energy_m = self.get_potential_energy(system) charges[atom_index] += 1.0*shift system.set_charges(charges) == None self.set_atoms(orig_system) self.set_core() return (energy_m-energy_p)/(2.0*shift)